Tuesday, January 5, 2010

GGClub - From Grass to Gardens - Flowers part 2 - by Janet Lembke

I am loving From Grass to Gardens and there are so many wonderful gardening tips that I want it available to all, so am entering it on this blog. Following are quotes from Janet Lembke, maybe slightly paraphrased, and my comments, too. Please hit reply and add your own comments.

pg 101
black eyed Susans
Another member of the aster family. "Rudbeckia" honors a father and son at Univeristy of Uppsala in Sweden. She loves "Prarie sun" with 5" flowers.

Asters - again!! Tickseed. Whorls, pompoms and petal-light of palest yellow and deep gold. Native to N. America - grow wild in many states. I do not think I have ever seen them growing wild. Used for dying.

Lantana (L.camara) - ??? OK to plant?
Vervain family (teak tree of Asia; beauty berry tree of America.
Myriad little flowers of many colors that attract lots of butterflies all summer long. Long bloom. sprawls. Shrub verbena. It has overrun the Pacific islands and Thailand - in top 100 of invasives. Forms thickets which exclude native understory species. Fruits poison animals and it secretes chemicals inimical to vegetables. Janet says that in the north it is ok to plant, coming back after the day lilies bloom, then dying out in Nov. comments - invasive here or not?

Aster family again. Indians cultivated them as food crops. Aztecs venerated them. Main crop is for oil, with the rest of the plant fed to animals. over 3 million acres are for this crop. "In th early stages of growth s do track the sun but later stabilize themselves to face east before they bow their heads toward the earth. The bowing has been bred into them, for that lowered head makes it harder for birds to snack on the ripened seeds."

that's it for flowers. Remember this book is at the Hereford Library.

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